Journal Articles

  • Yosri, A., Ghaith, M., Ahmed, M.I., El-Dakhakhni, W., (2024). Analytically Enhanced Random Walk Approach for Rapid Concentration Mapping in Fractured Aquifers. Water (Basel) 16, 1020.
  • Ahmed, M.I., Shook, K., Pietroniro, A., Stadnyk, T., Pomeroy, J.W., Pers, C., Gustafsson, D., (2023). Implementing a parsimonious variable contributing area algorithm for the prairie pothole region in the HYPE modelling framework. Environmental Modelling & Software 167, 105769.
  • Ahmed, M.I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Awoye, H., Bajracharya, A., Mai, J., Tolson, B.A., Shen, H., Craig, J.R., Gervais, M., Sagan, K., Wruth, S., Koenig, K., Lilhare, R., Déry, S.J., Pokorny, S., Venema, H., Muhammad, A., Taheri, M., (2023). Learning From Hydrological Models’ Challenges: A Case Study from the Nelson Basin Model Intercomparison Project. Journal of Hydrology 129820.
  • Bajracharya, A.R., Ahmed, M.I., Stadnyk, T., Asadzadeh, M. (2023). Process based calibration of a continental-scale hydrological model using soil moisture and streamflow data. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 47, 101391.
  • Ahmed, M. I., Elshorbagy, A., Pietroniro, A., Princz, D. (2021). Improving the representation of the non-contributing area dynamics in land surface models for better simulation of prairie hydrology. J. Hydrol. 600, 126562.
  • Ahmed, M. I., Elshorbagy, A., Pietroniro, A. (2020). A novel model for storage dynamics simulation and inundation mapping in the prairies. Environ. Model. Softw. 133, 104850.
  • Ahmed, M. I., Elshorbagy, A., Pietroniro, A. (2020) Towards simple modelling practices in the complex Canadian prairie watersheds, J. Hydrolo. Eng.
  • Ahmed, M. I., Abd-Elmegeed, M. A., Hassan, A. E. (2019) Modelling transport in fractured media using the fracture continuum approach, Arab. J. Geosci., 12(5), 172.


  • Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Mai, J., Tolson, B., Shen, H., Craig, J., Taheri, M. (2024). Navigating Hydrological Model Intercomparison Projects in Cold Regions: Unveiling Challenges, Insights, and Future Paths – A Case from Nelson-MIP II. Federated Research Data Repository.
  • Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Awoye, H., Bajracharya, A., Mai, J., Tolson, B., Shen, H., Craig, J., Gervais, M., Sagan, K., Wruth, S., Koenig, K., Lilhare, R., Déry, S., Pokorny, S., Venema, H., Muhammad, A., Taheri, M. (2023) Learning From Hydrological Models’ Challenges: A Case Study from the Nelson Basin Model Intercomparison Project. Federated Research Data Repository.
  • Ahmed, M. I., Shook, K., Pietroniro, A., Stadnyk, T., Pomeroy, J. W., Pers, C., Gustafsson, D. (2022). Implementing A Parsimonious Variable Contributing Area Algorithm for Prairie Pothole Region in the HYPE Modelling Framework. In Environmental Modelling & Software (Version 1). Zenodo.

Conference Presentations

  • Stadnyk, T., Ahmed, M. I., Clark, M., and Pietroniro, A.: An Improved Representation of The Variable Contributing Area Concept in Hydrologic and Land Surface Models, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-13230,, 2024 (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Mai, J., Tolson, B., Shen, H., Craig, J., Taheri, M. (2023). Beyond Model Ranking and Uptake: Challenges and Insights from The Nelson-MIP II Project. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023. (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Clark, M., Pietroniro, A., Stadnyk, T. (2023). An Improved Representation of The Variable Contributing Area Concept in Land Surface Models. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2023. (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Mai, J., Tolson, B., Shen, H., Craig, J., Taheri, M. (2023) Nelson-MIP II: A Multi-model Intercomparison Project on the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill River Basin, National Conference, Halifax, NS, June 2023. (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Awoye, H., et al. (2023). Multi-model Intercomparison Project on the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill River Basin (Nelson-MIP) – Phase 1, CGU Meeting, Banff, AB, May 2023. (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed M. I., Shook K., Pietroniro A., Stadnyk T., Pomeroy J. W., Pers C., Gustafsson D. (2022). Incorporating The Fill and Spill Mechanism in the HYPE Modelling Framework, CGU Meeting, Banff, AB, May 2023. (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Shook, K., Pietroniro, A., Stadnyk, T., Pomeroy, J. W., Pers, C., and Gustafsson, D. (2023). Incorporating The Variable Contributing Area Concept in The HYPE Modelling Framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10593, (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Awoye, H., et al. (2022). Learning From Hydrological Model Failure: A Case from Phase 1 of The Nelson-MIP Project, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 2022. (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed M. I., Shook K., Pietroniro A., Stadnyk T., Pomeroy J. W., Pers C., Gustafsson D. (2022). Accounting For Dynamic Contributing Areas in The HYPE Model Framework, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 2022. (Poster presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Shook, K., Pietroniro, A., Stadnyk, T., Pomeroy, J. (2022) An agnostic modelling framework for prairie potholes, CWRA National Conference, Canmore, June 2022. (Oral presentation).
  • Bajracharya, A. R., Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Asadzadeh, M. (2022) Analyzing the impact of climate change on water balance relationship for a cold region basin using the discretized HYPE model, CWRA National Conference, Canmore, June 2022. (Oral presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Stadnyk, T., Pietroniro, A., Awoye, H., et al. (2022) Multi-model Intercomparison Project on the Saskatchewan-Nelson-Churchill River Basin (Nelson-MiP) – Phase 0 – 1, CWRA National Conference, Canmore, June 2022. (Poster presentation).
  • Ahmed, M. I., Elshorbagy A., Pietroniro, A. (2018). Approaches for Flood Modelling in the Canadian Prairies, CWRA National Conference, Victoria, May 2018. (Oral presentation).